Woody Guthrie Coalition Scholarship

The Board of Directors of the Woody Guthrie Coalition offers two $500 scholarships each year; one to students graduating from Okemah High School and one open graduating seniors in ALL public schools in Okfuskee County, Oklahoma. These scholarships are designed to award students who have demonstrated an appreciation of and involvement in the fine arts.  Students who participate in creative writing, journalism, painting, sketching, sculpture, vocal or instrumental music, drama, photography, speech, debate, interior design or leadership clubs such as FFA, FCLA, Student Congress, etc. would be perfect candidates for these scholarships. These scholarships are intended for graduating seniors in the public schools of Paden, Weleetka, Graham/Dustin, Mason and Okemah.


  1. School Administration will make scholarship applications available to all graduating seniors.
  2. Criteria for Application
    1. Graduating senior at Paden, Weleetka, Mason or Okemah High School
    2. Students will demonstrate involvement in any of the fine art categories listed above
    3. Students will submit a brief essay describing how fine arts has affected their personal life and describing their future plans as well as listing any volunteer work done in the community or school setting.
  3. Deadline for students to turn in applications to the HS Counselor has been set for April 4, 2025. The counselor will then return all applications to the Woody Guthrie Coalition Scholarship Committee no later than April 8, 2025
  4. Scholarship recipients will be responsible for completing an evaluation form within one year of receiving the scholarship. This will describe the recipient’s work relationships and how they are associated with their chosen educational plan.

The applications will be reviewed by the Board of Directors of the Woody Guthrie Coalition and two winning candidates will be selected. Each candidate will be awarded a $500 scholarship payable to the higher educational institution that the student will be attending after graduation.The winners will be responsible for providing their acceptance letter to the Woody Guthrie Coalition Scholarship Committee in order for the scholarship monies to be paid.

Download the application